Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Superfly is just that...

First ride this morning on the new Superfly...and it is just that. It's light, responsive, handles surprisingly well. The trails were a little soft and sloppy in sections, but for the most part were in great shape. Not sure about the handlebars yet, but I'll give it a couple more rides.
This past Saturday I signed up to do a 300k ride that started here in Liberty. Probably not the smartest thing to do having a week old baby at home and going off very little sleep. I got in 85 miles and called it a day. The ride started at 6:00, and I was home with the family by noon, so that was nice. The 186 would have been some nice training for Dirty Kanza, but my body just wasn't having it.
Heres a picture of Levi from last week. I'll post some current pictures soon.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Baby and Bikes

Levi is one week old. It's amazing how much he changes and grows on a daily basis. He is a great eater, and learning to be a good sleeper. He's only up twice a night to get fed and changed. I do my part in changing him, but I'm yet to adapt to feeding.
I've got to build two of the coolest bikes in the last 24 hours! My Fisher Superfly came it...23.0 lbs with pedals. Should be under 22 lbs after a while. I look forward to a season of racing on it!
My dad also ordered a Look 586. This bike has graced the cover of every major cycling publication in the last couple of months, but the pictures don't do it justice.
It is hands down the coolest bike I've ever worked on. Full Campy Record, Fulcrum Racing Zero wheels w/ Easton cockpit.
Baby Pics to come soon!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Baby Fox!

Levi Joseph Fox was born on Thursday April 17th at 9:01 am.  He was a large little guy at 8lbs 15oz and measuring 21 inches long.  Mother and Baby are both doing great!  
Kathy and I are very happy and blessed to have such a beautiful little boy, and have such a caring family.  
Pictures to come...be careful he's pretty cute!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The loss of a Friend

All of us at one time or another have experienced the loss of a friend or loved one.
Here at Cycle City, we have just suffered the loss of one of our own employees. Scott Allen passed away this morning, around 6:00.
Friday evening, after experiencing pains in his chest and neck he decided to go to the ER. He suffered a heart attack on his way to the ER which caused him to flip his Jeep. Things did not look good from the start, but he is a strong man and everyone was willing him to pull through. He was on life support through the weekend, and passed this morning.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. He and his wife, Jen, have a 5 1/2 year old and she is due with their second in June.

There will be a benefit ride for Scott and his family soon.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

New Store!

New store has been open a month now and everything is going great! Bikes are coming in and going out the door, and we've been busy with repairs. The new bikes are really solid (I've added 3 more to my wish list).
The roads over here are great, and there's a lot of undiscovered routes. I haven't been able to get in a ton of riding, mostly just commuting and weekend rides. Hopefully we'll be done with this nasty weather soon.

Baby Update:
Kathy was due yesterday, but no action from the little guy yet! Doctors Appt. Monday, so hopefully he'll be ready to come out soon!